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O02: Software
ArcelorMittal Europe - Sections & Merchant Bars
- Ozone, Calculation of steel, partially encased, composite, or integrated beams (SFB, IFB type A and B) in cold and fire conditions. The software complies with Eurocodes 3 and 4 and the current state-of-the-art regarding the calculation of integrated beams
- LUCA, Software accompanying a design guide for industrial halls in fire conditions. This tool calculates displacements and additional horizontal forces that appear in industrial halls during fire.
- MACS+, Partially protected composite floor MACS+This software designs composite floor slabs at elevated temperatures by taking into account the enhancing effects of the membrane action in slab. MACS+ also checks perimeter beams and provide
- AMECO, Analysis based on the principles of Life Cycle Assessment, compliant with ISO 14040 & 44, and new EN 15804 with evaluation of impacts.
- INERD, ArcelorMittal INERDINERD concept is a constructive system in steel that can be applied to reinforce concrete frame structure.
- Angelina, ANGELINAPredesign of steel and composite cellular beams with sinusoidal openings in normal and fire situation.
- ACB+, ArcelorMittal Cellular Beams ACBPredesign of Cellular beams with circular openings in cold and fire conditions.
- CoSFB (iOS) Slim-Floor Beams ArcelorMittal Composite Slim-Floor Beams CoSFB: Calculation of composite integrated beams (SFB) in cold condition. The software fully complies with Zulassung-CoSFB-Betondübel z-26.4-59.
- CoSFB (Google play), Slim-Floor Beams ArcelorMittal Composite Slim-Floor Beams CoSFB: Calculation of composite integrated beams (SFB) in cold condition. The software fully complies with Zulassung-CoSFB-Betondübel z-26.4-59.
- CoSFB (Macintosh), Slim-Floor Beams ArcelorMittal Composite Slim-Floor Beams CoSFB: Calculation of composite integrated beams (SFB) in cold condition. The software fully complies with Zulassung-CoSFB-Betondübel z-26.4-59.
- CoSFB (Windows), Slim-Floor Beams ArcelorMittal Composite Slim-Floor Beams CoSFB: Calculation of composite integrated beams (SFB) in cold condition. The software fully complies with Zulassung-CoSFB-Betondübel z-26.4-59.
- COP2, Design of composite connexions according to EN 1993-1-8 and EN 1994-1-1.
- TRUSSES+, Trusses TRUSSES+Predesign of Large Span Trusses in conformity with the European rules for steel structures (EN 1993-1-1:2005). The software can be used as an automatic predesign tool for: - Verification: based on sections imposed by the us
- A3C, Columns ArcelorMittal-CTICM Columns Calculator A3C Calculation of steel and composite columns (partially or totally encased with concrete) in cold and fire conditions. The software fully complies with EN version of Eurocode.
- PORTAL+, Predesign of portal frames according to Eurocode 3 (EN)
- ABC, Beams and Integrated floor beams ArcelorMittal Beams CalculatorCalculation of steel, partially encased, composite, or integrated beams (SFB, IFB type A and B) in cold and fire conditions. The software complies with Eurocodes 3 and 4 and the curr